Class Agreement Display

Posters that can be modified to make a «golden rules» classroom with these A4 printable posters. With Microsoft Word, you can put your own «golden rules» into context. These would also make good reasons for your own reward certificates. A printable banner for your Good Manners classroom bulletin board. Make a «Golden Rules» classroom with these A4 printable posters. Each rule is presented on a «golden» background with colorful stars. A colorful and important addition to every classroom. A colorful banner for your «rules and routines» display. A series of simple posters with 6 rhyming rules illustrated for your class. A series of printable posters with «golden words» as please, thank you, sorry, excuse me, etc. Superb as memories of know-how in your classroom or around the school. A poster that is displayed for your promises/class rules. A series of useful A4 posters to promote good manners in your classroom.

Each has a colorful image and a clear and bright text. Contains `Take turns`, `Be polite`, `Tidy up`, `Put things away`, `Put your hand up` and more. A series of printable posters displayed by your interactive whiteboard. A colorful banner for a class rule/behavior or a PSHE display. A series of printable posters with the text «Thank you for… with invitations to maintain the different classrooms properly and to work reasonably. You can use a series of posters to show how many children can play/work in each of your different classrooms. . . . Today/This week grid day/week / Star Sitter . A series of signs that can be placed with activities where an adult is needed so that children do not know that they are starting until an adult is present.

We are great with the use of Good Manners Display Banner (SB9655). A series of simple posters on which you can put the name of your `Star Sitter` or `Sitter of the day/week`. A group of 7 simple cards that show important skills that promote the «right seat.» Printable certificates to reward children who have sat well. A series of posters to remind children to walk/queue with their hands on their hips and fingers on their lips. . A set of 6 great A4 posters, the rules for a good set up when in.

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